Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo

Travel grants


ERIP, LACES and UMSNH have jointly established a Travel Grants fund to assist participants’ travel from Latin American and the Caribbean, on a competitive basis.

Instructions for application coming soon at the ERIP webpage. Indigenous and Afro-descendant scholars are particularly encouraged to apply.

Becas de viaje para participantes provenientes de América Latina y el Caribe

ERIP, LACES y la UMSNH han establecido un fondo para ayudar a cubrir, sobre una base competitiva, los gastos de viaje de un número limitado de participantes provenientes de América Latina y el Caribe. Las instrucciones para postular a las becas de viaje están disponibles en el portal de internet de la conferencia: www.erip2017.umich.mx

Subsídios de viagem para participantes da América Latina e do Caribe

ERIP, LACES e UMSNH criaram um fundo para ajudar a subsidiar, numa base competitiva, as despesas de viagem de um número limitado de participantes da América Latina e do Caribe. Instruções para se candidatar a bolsas de viagem estão disponíveis no site da conferência: www.erip2017.umich.mx

Deadline to submit this application: Junio 1, 2017

Notification of awards: Junio 20, 2017

5th Conference on Ethnicity, Race, and Indigenous Peoples in Latin America and the Caribbean
Universidad Michoacana San Nicolás de Hidalgo,
Morelia, Michoacán, México, October 4-6, 2017
Travel Grants for participants from Latin America and the Caribbean

Application Form

Residents from Latin American and Caribbean countries can apply for small grants to help subsidize their travel costs. On a competitive basis, the Program Committee will award a limited number of grants providing:

Deadline to submit this application: Junio 1, 2017

Notification of awards: Junio 20, 2017
